
candied salmon on racks for drying

Times are tough… out with the old, ready for new

Working on getting last years fish out of the freezer, have been making gravlox, pickled salmon, candied salmon and some smoked salmon…… its tough having to prepare and eat all this fish although its no problem getting people to eat it.

After all this salmon being prepared, guess what we are having for dinner tonight…. yes more fish but tonight is rock cod, a nice vermillion rock fish…


April 24th – some nice chinooks out here

Phillipe, Martin and Gilles from Quebec ventured out with us on April 24 and had a great time. The day started off with some strong NW winds and big seas out front so we ventured down to bear island and alley rock and fish there for a few hours….. fishing anchovies and a small blue, with green stripe nickel goldstar spoon. Martin was on the first fish, it was a high teener and got away to grow some more. Giles got the next one a real nice high teener, so he was able to get the skunk off the boat. We picked up a few more fish and released a few fish, turned out to be a nice day but the winds gradually  picked to over 30 knots, seas getting bigger and white caps all over….  250-735-9453  Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.


First trip of 2016

First trip of 2016 went well… we had a few chinooks and 12 ling cod and 10 rock fish with some nice size vermillion.  Try an early season fishing trip for Chinook and bottom fishing… check out the 2016 fishing special Alan Boyd 250-735-9453  Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

Ucluelet fishing fun-for-all-ages

A Little Windy around here…..

Well it sure has been Windy with lots of torrential rains, haven’t seen storm action things like this for awhile, but it is better now than during fishing season. Glad the boat is out of the water and put away for the winter. Sometime in February I will pull the boat out and get out for some prawn and crab fishing as well as fishing around for a salmon or a few. I will move the boat into Ucluelet for April 1st, Ling cod opens up and there will be some nice winter chinooks just waiting for our hooks to swim by and add a little bling in there mouths….