I wanna go fishing
Enough is enough, I am going to go fishing soon. Starting loading up the boat

Now to get the rods and reels loaded up
Enough is enough, I am going to go fishing soon. Starting loading up the boat
Now to get the rods and reels loaded up
Twin 99cm Halibut
After getting our salmon at wya and flo,,,, we ran out to south bank set our anchor and got ourselves a pair of 99cm halibut, had another one on but it got to live another day. Chuck straining a bit holding them up……
Halibut have been getting caught in close by areas. I picked up one on the troll… it was 108 cm and weighted in at 35lbs, another guide was on the hook and picked up a 133cm and an 89 cm, others have also been catching either by troll or on the hook. Loaded on my anchoring system today, so I am ready for some hali action ….. Lets go hali fishing!!!
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