candied salmon on racks for drying

Times are tough… out with the old, ready for new

Working on getting last years fish out of the freezer, have been making gravlox, pickled salmon, candied salmon and some smoked salmon…… its tough having to prepare and eat all this fish although its no problem getting people to eat it.

After all this salmon being prepared, guess what we are having for dinner tonight…. yes more fish but tonight is rock cod, a nice vermillion rock fish…

floor ripped up

Getting to be that time of year…. upgrades

Getting started on upgrades on the grade for this upcoming season. Got the floor ripped up now so we can install and swap engines around.Will be nice to have it done early so I can get out in the Sprout Lake Loggers Derby on the first weekend in march….. a good time to put break in hours on new engine and to get out and get some fresh winter springs…. the tastiest fish of the year….

floor ripped up


Everything is put away – Herring sale coming up dec 2

Everything has been put away now for the winter time…… but i wanna go fishing but even the weather isnt cooperating


I hope i will be able to get out for some prawns before xmas….. 
December 2 is the date set for Fisherman Helping Kids With Cancer Herring Sale…… there is 2 locations to pick up fresh food herring one in Steveston and one in Victoria. You can check there website at 

Time for doing up some more pickled herring. Be a change from smoking salmon, pickling salmon and making candied salmon but I do have a bunch of request for making up some Japanese Fish Cakes  


We have halibut out here

Halibut are in our waters…. Don and Bob hooked into a couple of nice ones… one is 117cm (44lbs) and a 130cm (58 lbs) caught on a Megabite jig from Lighthouse lures . We were anchored out on the lady…



19 lb Chinook Salmon out fishing off lighthouse bank

Out fishing with me, myself and I out at the inside lighthouse bank got into a few fish out there…. I landed a 19lb Chinook salmon…… the other 2 were kind of useless but I got it….

Live from the field!!!



Halibut are here… my 35 lb hali for dinner

Halibut have been getting caught in close by areas. I picked up one on the troll… it was 108 cm and weighted in at 35lbs, another guide was on the hook and picked up a 133cm and an 89 cm, others have also been catching either by troll or on the hook. Loaded on my anchoring system today, so I am ready for some hali action ….. Lets go hali fishing!!!
